Monday, September 30, 2019

Youth Outpatient Hiv Depression Care Health And Social Care Essay

Worldwide, HIV/AIDS and depression are the prima causes of disease load for immature people aged 10-24 old ages. ( 1 ) Young people aged 15-24 history for half of all new HIV infections worldwide. Every twenty-four hours, 6,000 immature people aged 15-24 old ages become septic with HIV, which is an dismaying tendency, since this is the largest young person coevals in history. ( 2 ) In sub-Saharan Africa, more than half of all new infections are among immature people, with misss being peculiarly affected and represent a higher proportion of reported HIV infections and reported AIDS instances among youth ages 13 to 19 than among any other age group. ( 3,4 ) Cases of HIV infection diagnosed among youth 13 to 24 could be declarative of overall tendencies in HIV incidence because this age group has more late initiated bad behaviors. ( 5 ) Regular attending at clinical centres is required for HIV infection to supervise disease patterned advance, to get down and so supervise the response to antiretroviral therapy, and to give of import information to the patient on minimising the hazard of transmittal. Despite this demand for regular monitoring, loss to follow up in HIV cohort ( surveies ) can be a common happening and is infrequently reported. ( 6 ) This current survey purposes to find a ) the incidence of loss to follow up among HIV infected youth accessing attention at a youth- focused and a family- centered clinic in Kisumu, Kenya ; B ) baseline socio- demographic and clinical features associated with loss to follow up Justification: Nyanza Province in Kenya has the highest load of HIV infection in Kenya, with the HIV prevalence standing at 14.9 % , which is more than twice the national norm of 7.1 % . The national HIV prevalence amongst young person aged 15-24 old ages is 3.8 % ( 5.6 % in females and 11.4 % in males ) whilst that amongst 15- 19 twelvemonth olds is 2.3 % ( 3.5 % in females and 1.0 % in males. ) ( 7 ) In Kisumu City, the prevalence amongst females aged 15- 19 twelvemonth olds is 23 % , whilst in male childs of the same age class it is 3.5 % . ( 8 ) Merely a little proportion of these young persons were accessing attention and support services and keeping to care was low, with merely 5.3 % of patients enrolled at the HIV attention clinics within Kisumu City were aged 13-21 old ages. It has been shown that up to 60 % of immature people populating with HIV may non be in everyday HIV attention. Youth-centred HIV plans report that one of the most ambitious facets of working with HIV-positive young person is prosecuting them ab initio and retaining them in attention once they are enrolled. Despite the best attempts of outreach staff, lost-to-follow-up rates remain unwantedly high. ( 5 ) A major programmatic challenge for youth-specific HIV services is maintaining HIV-positive young person connected to care and back up systems that can run into their demands for emotional support, guidance, and bar instruction while supervising demands for medical attention, nutrition intercessions, and ARV intervention. ( 9 ) Adolescents with peri- natally-acquired HIV have alone features that may perplex their passage into adult-oriented attention scenes. ( 10 ) In one of a series of surveies on HIV and young person in Brazil, most doctors go toing advanced HIV preparation agreed th at the Ministry of Health should set up targeted services for HIV-infected young person. Nevertheless, associating HIV-infected striplings to HIV attention has proved hard. ( 11 ) The long-run nature of of HIV intervention calls for particular accent on keeping in attention of septic young person. ( 4 ) Transitioning the medical attention of kids with peri- natally-acquired HIV from paediatric attention to internal medical specialty patterns has become progressively of import as newer therapies prolong endurance.MethodsStudy DesignThis retrospective analysis used informations routinely collected from HIV infected patients enrolled in attention at Lumumba Health Center and at Tuungane Youth Center, both in Kisumu municipality. Patients aged between 15- 21 old ages enrolled into attention between July 2007 and October 2010 were eligible for inclusion in the analysis. The survey was approved by the institutional reappraisal boards of the Kenya Medical Research Institute and the Centers for Disease Control- KenyaProgram descriptionFamily AIDS Care and Education Services ( FACES ) , is a family- centered HIV bar, attention and intervention plan funded by the United States President ‘s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief ( PEPFAR ) through a co-operative understanding with the Centers for Disease Control ( CDC ) . FACES- Nyanza provides these services in more than 60 government- tally wellness installations across 6 territories in Nyanza state of Kenya. Tuungane Youth Center is a youth- specific plan run by Impact Research Development Organization and is funded by PEPFAR to supply VCT, ABY and STI showing and intervention to youth aged between 13- 21 old ages. It is based within Kisumu municipality, Nyanza, Kenya. In Nov 2005, these two plans collaborated with the purposes of bettering HIV services to the young person accessing attention at the two sites. Care at the two sites is standardized, with the same clinical visit/ brush signifiers and attention is offered, free of charge, harmonizing to standardised national guidelines. There is besides a clinical staff exchange plan between the two sites. To day of the month, FACES- Lumumba has enrolled patients ( x % youth aged between 13- 21years ) while Tuungane has enrolled xxxx HIV infected patients since the coaction began.Missed assignments and defaulter tracingFaces, through its Clinic and Community and Health Assistants ( CCHA ) section, runs an active defaulter following programme to better patient keeping. Upon registration, each patient ‘s reference and contact information is recorded. A patient losing his/ her assignment is identified from the day-to-day attending registry and sought 3 yearss after a lost assignment. This same defaulter following mechanism is in topographic point at Tuungane.Data aggregationSocio-demographic, clinical and pharmacological informations collected at each patient ‘s visit on a standardised clinical visit signifier is manually entered into an electronic medical records system that was launched at both sites in July 2007. FACES manages the database.VariablesThe primary result is loss to follow up ( LTFU ) , defined as a patient losing their last assignment by & gt ; 4 months. Socio-demographic and clinical features considered as independent forecasters of LTFU and analyzed as binary/ index variables were baseline: age, above or below the population survey mean ; gender, male or female ; marital/ civil position, married/ partnered or non and clinic type ; youth- specific vs. family- oriented. Highest educational degree attained was categorized into 4: â€Å" none † , â€Å" some primary † , â€Å" some secondary † and â€Å" some college/ university † . CD4 was categorized into 4 classs of: â€Å" & lt ; 50cells/mm3 † , â€Å" 50-100cells/mm3 † , 100-200cells/mm3 † and â€Å" & gt ; 200cells/mm3 † WHO clinical presenting had phases I-IV. ART position at LTFU was analyzed as a binary variable, of all time started vs. ne'er started on ART. Baseline was defined as up to 60 yearss upon registration. Patients transferred out of either clinic, or determined to hold died or withdrawn from attention were non considered as LTFU.Datas analysisChi- square ( I†¡2 ) trial was used to analyse the categorical variables and logistic arrested development was used to place factors associated with loss to follow up. Unadjusted and adjusted odds ratios ( ORs ) and the 95 % assurance intervals were calculated in the theoretical accounts. Kaplan- Meier method was used to gauge the incidence of LTFU, presented as events per 100 person- old ages, from day of the month of registration. The event day of the month of a LTFU was the day of the month of the last clinic visit in the records. Patients determined to hold been transferred out, withdrawn, or dead, informations was censored at their day of the month of last assignment or day of the month of decease if known. Datas on patients still in active attention at the terminal of the survey period was censored at the day of the month of their last clinic visit. Wilcoxon log- rank trial was used to compare survival curves. All analyses were performed utilizing STATA version 11/SE package ( StataCorp LP, College Station, USA )Consequences:Patient features:Over the 3-year period, 927 patients ( 79 % female, average age 20 old ages ) were identified to be eligible for inclusion in the information analysis. 63 % were enrolled at the youth- specific clinic and a bulk ( 66 % ) of those who had their educational province indicated ( n=837 ) , had attained some signifier of primary school instruction while merely 1.7 % had non accompanied school at all. 61.5 % were non married/ partnered and 5.9 % were reported to hold some signifier of employment. Majority of the patients were of good clinical and immunological position ( 81 % were WHO phase I & A ; II and 80 % had CD4 cell counts & gt ; 200/mm3 ) . Merely 3 % were WHO stage IV and 5 % CD4 cell counts & lt ; 50/mm3. 61 % of the patients had ne'er been started on ART. ( Table 1 )Loss to follow up:57.2 % of the patients were documented as LTFU ( 79.4 % female, 66.8 % at the youth- specific clinic, p 0.006 ) . A huge bulk of the patients were of good immunological and clinical position ( 81 % WHO phase I & A ; II and 82 % CD4 cell count & gt ; 200/mm3 ) and had ne'er been started on ART ( 75 % , P & lt ; 0.0001 ) . 54 % were above the survey population average age of 22 old ages. ( Table 1 ) There were a sum of 390 LTFU events over 743 person- old ages of follow up. The incidence of LTFU was 53.4 per 100 individual old ages. The average clip to LTFU was 1.6 old ages upon registration ( 95 % CI 1.5- 1.7 ) . The incidence was significantly higher in those who had ne'er started ART ( Log rank p 0.0047 ) ( Figure 1 ) Univariate logistic arrested development identified youth- specific site ( OR 1.46, 95 % CI 1.12- 1.91 ) and ART position ( OR 0.23, 95 % CI 0.18- 0.31 ) to be associated with LTFU. On multivariate logistic arrested development, merely ART position was associated with LTFU ( OR 0.28, 95 % CI 0.19- 0.41 ) . Gender, age, matrimonial position, educational degree, occupational position, WHO clinical phase and CD4 were all non prognostic of LTFU. ( Table 1 )Discussion:This survey shows that LTFU is really high among this vulnerable age group, more so at the youth- focused clinic. Youth go toing attention at a youth- specific clinic are 46 % more likely to acquire LTFU. This might intend that a family- focussed theoretical account of attention is better than the youth- focussed theoretical account but this might be because young person taking to go to the youth- focused clinic have different societal features that place them at higher hazard of LTFU compared to those go toing attention at the family- focused site e.g lower revelation position, higher stigmatisation, hapless household support. Surveies to measure differences in societal features between young person go toing attention at the youth- particular and the family- centered clinic are required. A cardinal determination of this survey is that being on ART protects against LTFU even after commanding for other factors, consistent with other similar surveies done in grownup populations elsewhere. ( 12, 13, 14 ) HIV infected young person who are good clinically and immunologically and therefore non measure up for ART may non see the ground to adhere to their follow up visits. They may merely so return to the clinic when their wellness deteriorates and are likely to remain in attention as they receive ART. This could besides intend that attachment guidance to those non on ART is hapless or that the really ill ( and therefore necessitate ART ) are taken to the family- focused clinic by their similarly HIV infected household members. Surveies have demonstrated that mortality and loss to follow up rates are higher in patients non on but eligible for ART. ( 13 ) High pre- ART loss to follow up and particularly in those with less advanced clinical phase raises concern, since they are likely to be engaged in hazardous sexual patterns. ( 12 ) Strategies to enable earlier start of ART and to advance keeping in attention are required. In this survey, 50 % of patients got lost at 1 twelvemonth and 7 months of registration. Time from induction of ART to loss to follow up was nevertheless, non determined. Surveies among big populations found that on norm, 21 % of HIV infected patients get lost from attention in the first six months after get downing ART and approximately 40 % of patients are lost at two old ages, with big fluctuation in keeping rates. ( 15 ) There is demand for intercessions that improve linkage to care and prioritise ART induction particularly for those with low baseline CD4 counts. ( 16 ) There was no association between LTFU and clinical/ immunological position and others have besides shown that more advanced HIV disease and the absence of clinical phase appraisal are strongly associated with the hazard of decease ; but non with no followup or a loss to followup in the first 6 months. ( 17 ) Sarah et al nevertheless, reveal low baseline CD4 counts and unemployment to be independently associated with being lost to follow up. ( 18 ) Employment position was non associated with LTFU in this survey From the database, merely 60 patients were identified as discontinued from attention ( 9 deceased, 48 transferred to other clinics and 3 withdrew from attention ) and were therefore non defined as LTFU. Surveies to look into the true results of all patients defined as LTFU are required, since they could fall into one of three classs: wholly out of attention, go toing attention at other installations or deceased ( 19 ) . Patients who do non return for followup at clinics supplying comprehensive HIV/AIDS attention require particular attending. This is peculiarly true where resources are limited and clinic tonss are high. ( 20 ) Patients non doing their assignments may hold stopped taking antiretroviral drugs, ensuing in high mortality ; or may hold transferred to another plan. In ART programmes in resource-limited scenes a significant minority of grownups lost to follow up can non be traced, and among those traced 20 % to 60 % had died. ( 15 ) Constitution of systems for monitoring and following loss-to-follow-up patients, and to implement schemes for bettering keeping in attention is required for all HIV clinics. ( 18 ) Study strengths and failings: The follow up period of three old ages and a ample population gives the survey some strength, though the findings would non be generalizable to the full population since it involved merely one family- focused and one youth- focused clinic in Kisumu, Kenya. The theoretical account used in this survey was a hapless forecaster of the result. Similar surveies elsewhere are warranted.Decision:Newer and advanced attacks to retain HIV septic young person in attention, even at young person specific clinics, are desperately required. In the interim, targeted guidance should be directed toward HIV infected youth non yet get downing ART.Recognitions:I ‘d wish to admit all staff and patients at FACES and Tuungane who made this survey possible and to my advisers at UCB for the huge support and valuable way in making this survey.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Color theory

Two more females could also be seen walking away from the flower stall. All the characters in the artwork are seen wearing traditional Malay clothing. The older lady operating the flower stall has a lot of facial expression and she is currently packing a bouquet of flowers together. The younger lady operating the flower stall is sitting on her left with a rattan basket on her lap. There are some flowers in her rattan basket and she is packing them together. The lady customer with a young child is busy choosing the flowers she wants from the basket placed in front of her while the other lady customer is still deciding on what flowers she wants. ) Technical Innovations: This artwork consists of a lot of texture. The canvas itself has a rough surface and oil based paint will leave behind some medium after it was dried. By using oil on canvas, the artist is able to create an artwork which rich in actual texture after it was completed. The artist had also created value in this artwork. Th e characters and objects in the artwork shows value as each Of them have a combination of light and darkness tone on them. The artist had used a combination of different values of the same color when painting the characters and objects.The artist had used a lot of pigmentation in creating this artwork. As a result, this artwork is rich in color. The artist had also minimized the space in this artwork. There is very little distance between the characters and objects in the artwork but the artist had made the characters further away smaller to show that their position is further away. As a result, the artwork gives a very compact yet realistic feeling to its audience. E) Opinion about the artwork I) Subject matters: All the people in this artwork are seen wearing a type of traditional Malay clothing known as the ‘Baja Koruna.The background also features a lot Of Reese and a dirt track, indicating that there is a high chance that this scene IS located in the countryside rather th an in the more developed cities. In my opinion, the artist is trying to tell us that this is a scene from a Malay village located in the countryside. The main characters of this artwork are the old lady and young lady running their flower stall and the supporting characters would be the few customers at the stall. The background of the artwork is yellowish in color, indicating that the time could be in the evening.In my opinion, the two ladies had set up their stall under a big tree to seek shelter room the hot evening sun as it is uncomfortable and it will cause the flowers to wilt faster. The lives of the people living in this village are simple as they could work as selling flowers by the roadside to support themselves. They are not bound by the rules and regulations normally found in the busy city life as portrayed in the artwork above. There are no local law enforcers to chase them away despite they are trading without a proper premise or license.This scene would not appear in large cities as city councils requires the sellers to obtain an official permit to be displayed at their stall or the city council will end in their people to chase them away or confiscate their goods. The flowers are separated based on their colors and were placed inside baskets to be presented to the customers. The flowers are only available in yellow, orange, red and purple. In my opinion, the variety of flowers available are limited due to it is currently not blossom season. The old lady in the artwork shows a light smile on her face when she is serving her customers.This shows that the people in this village are very polite and friendly towards each other. The old lady is holding a bouquet of flowers on her hand which consists of the red and yellow flowers. It is likely that she is wrapping the flowers chosen by her customer which is the lady with the little girl. Judging by the age of the lady, the young girl is most likely to be her daughter. It is possible that the lady was bringing her daughter out for a walk when they came across this flower stall where they decided to have a look and purchase some fresh flowers to decorate their home.There is a younger lady sitting beside the old lady at the flower store. In my opinion, she may be the daughter or granddaughter of the old lady and she is helping the old lady to run the flower stall. She has a rattan basket on her lap with some lower in it. It is possible that she may be packing the flowers according to the customer's demands. There is also another lady customer in dark red Malay dress. She is looking at the three silver buckets with her hand holding her chin. She may be indecisive on which flower to buy. There are also two Malay women walking away from the flower store.It is possible that they had just bought the flowers from the stall and are walking back to their home. Ii) Values: This artwork consists of the social and economy value. The artist is trying to show his/her audience the social and eco nomic conditions in a rural Malay illegal. Social value could be seen from the individuals in the artwork. The two ladies running the flower stall are dressed neatly but their clothes are plain and lack decorations. This suggests that they are not very rich and have a lower status in the society. The other three customers are wearing the same type of clothes but their clothes are more stylish with added patterns.They are also not working but are shopping for goods. This suggests that they are richer than the ;vow ladies running the flower stall and it is possible that they may from the middle or upper class of the society. However, none of the harassers in the picture showed arrogant attitude towards each other despite being from different social classes. The economic factor could also be seen from the artwork. Selling flowers is one of their local job in order to earn income. The two ladies running the flower stall is trading with their customers. Judging by the simple conditions o f the flower stall, the prices of the flowers should not be too high.The flower stall has a lot of customers. This suggests that the local economy is doing well as people have extra income to be spent on decorative items. A) Artwork 2 b) I) Title of the artwork – Koala Kananga Street I) Name of the artist- Ye Amok Sin iii) Media – Water Color iv) Date of origin -? Nil This artwork is a scene of a street in town. There are double storey shop lots painted in white along the street. All of the shop lots have their own signboard. There are Chinese and English writings on the signboards. There is a bakery shop at the left side of the picture with a lot of pastry trays stacked up outside the shop.There are also some stalls outside the shop lots. Some of the stalls have huge umbrellas over them but some do not and here are people selling things in the stalls. There are also a few customers looking at he goods on sale at the stalls under the huge umbrellas. There is a Tristan paddled by a man in the middle of the road. A lady is also seen walking alone On the street while carrying some goods in a plastic bag on her hand. This artwork is a blend of a few art elements. One of the elements found inside this artwork is value. The scene in artwork is an opened area and the artist had used value to show the direction of the light.The light source in the picture is on the upper left side of the picture as it is brighter on that side. Shadows of the buildings and people are also pointing towards the opposite erection of the light source. The usage of value had also given the objects in the artwork a 3-dimensional form on a flat piece of paper. The artist had also used space to create an illusion that some objects and people in the artwork are further away. The bakery shop on the left is bigger in size than the row Of shop lots on the right. This gives the audience an illusion that the bakery shop is the nearer and the row of shop lots are further away.The artist had also used the line element in this artwork. The people in the artwork are formed from vertical lines which could be seen from their straight postures. The artwork captures the scene at a very peaceful street called the Koala Kananga Street. The artists main focus on this artwork is the lady walking on the road, the bakery shop and the man selling things in the stall beside the bakery shop. There are shop lots along the street painted in white color. These shop lots contains traditional design elements which is normally found on buildings from the pre-first world war era.In my opinion, these buildings are painted in white color as it is the current trend of the time. People back then may perceive that white buildings look clean and tiny which could help hem attract more customers. There are also a lot of stalls along the street, indicating that it could be in the morning. There is a lady walking alone on the street with a bag of goods on her hand. She is seen in more modern clot hing. In my opinion, it is most possibly that she is a housewife from the medium or upper social class who is out to buy some raw materials needed for preparing dinner.The facial expression of the lady could not be clearly seen as her face is pointing towards the floor. It is possible that her children had gone to school and her husband had gone to ark, leaving her alone when she goes on her daily routine of going out shopping for family supplies. This could be the reason why she looks lonely and bored as she walks down the street. There is also a bakery shop on the left side of the artwork. It is a bakery shop because the ‘Bakery' word is written on the red signboard hanging outside the shop. There is a lot of pastry trays stacked up neatly outside the shop.These pastry trays are used by the bakery to put their finished products and it is possible that they are stacked outside the shop awaiting collection by customers. Judging from the large number of pastry trays outside the shop, his bakery shop is very profitable and is able to sell a lot of their products daily. This bakery store may be very famous or it is possible that the bread and pastries made by this bakery are very delicious. There is a small stall with a man selling things in it beside the bakery. The stall is hid under the shadow of the bakery shop and away from the sunlight.It is possible that the man chooses to place his stall to avoid the hot sun as he does not have a huge umbrella over his stall like the other stalls across the street. The size of his stall is also small and there is a bucket on the store. It is Seibel that he is selling beverages and uses the bucket to contain the beverages he had prepared. He could be earning a lot of money from the sales of his beverages as the weather is hot and shoppers walking along the street would stop at his stall for a drink and rest to refresh themselves. One of the windows on the second floor of the shop lot located opposite the bakery is op ened.This indicates that it is vacancy on the second floor Of the shop lot. It is possible that the family of the shop owner is currently living there. Most of the families of shop owners during that time live on the second lour of their shop to save up from paying additional rent for a house. It is also more convenient for the shop owners as they could run their business on the ground floor while being at home to take care of their families. All the shops have very clear signboards outside each of them and the signboards consists of Chinese and English writing.It is possible that this is a Chinese based community under the British colony. There are no cars and there is only a Tristan in the middle of the road. The number of cars at that time is very less and the Tristan is the main form of transport. The weather is also very hot as the stalls by the road have big umbrella over them to help them avoid the heat from the sun. The artwork consists of social and economy value. The artis t is trying to show his/her audience the social and economic conditions of Chinese community living under the British colony. The social value could be seen from the people in the picture.The lady walking in the middle of the street is wearing modern clothes influenced by western culture as brought by the British. It is possible that she is from a wealthier family as only the wealthy people at the time embraced the western fashion. She also does not go to work but stayed as a housewife. The owner of the small beverage stall is seen wearing more traditional Chinese clothing. He may be from a poorer family compared to the lady walking on the street. The economy value could also be reflected from the artwork. The artwork consists of shops and stalls on the street preparing to conduct business with their customers.This shows that the economic is in good conditions as the businesses are still going on well. A) Artwork 3 b) I) Title of the artwork – Penance Hill ii) Name of the art ist – Hen Chin Chining iii) Media – Oil Pastel iv) Date of origin -2014 This artwork is about the Funicular Train which is located at Penance Hill, Penance. This artwork is designed to look like three stamps from different era consisting of three different designs of the Funicular Train which was updated over time. The three stamps made up a timeline starting from the bottom and each contains design characteristics of the time.The stamp at the bottom represents the Funicular Train in the year 1923. It contains the Funicular Train in its first design and the picture is painted in black and white. There are a lot of trees and bushes in the background. The word ‘1 c' is also seen on the top eight corner of the stamp and the year 1 923 was stated at the bottom of the stamp. The stamp in the middle consists of Funicular Train in its updated and more modern second design. There are less bushes and trees in the stamp in the middle compared to the stamp at the bottom.The Stamp in the middle is colored and the word ‘ICC' could be seen on the top right corner. The year 1977 was also stated on the bottom of the stamp. The stamp on the top features the Funicular Train in its latest design. There are even less trees and bushes in the background compared to the stamp in the middle and the clear blue sky are also clearly exposed. There is a ‘RMI' word on the top right corner of the stamp and it is recorded as the year 201 1 on the bottom part of the stamp. The artist had used different techniques when creating the three stamps in the artwork to give them a distinguished look from each other.The stamp at the bottom is created using the shading technique to replicate the black and white photos commonly found during the year 1923. Value is also shown in the stamp at the bottom as the artist had used different tone of shading when creating it. The stamp in the middle is created entirely from oil pastels and features the less advance drawing techni ques from the year 1977. The stamp also consists of the color value as it contains high color intensity. The stamp on the top is created from a blend of oil pastels and poster color.Oil pastels are used to paint the picture while the sky is finished in poster color to give the clouds a softer feeling. Value and space is utilizes by the artist to give the top stamp a look which resembles a modern photograph from 2011. This artwork is a combination of three smaller artworks in the shape of stamps. The stamps contain of images of different versions of the Funicular Train found at Penance Hill. The images are arranged from the bottom to the pop and the time of each image was included in the image itself by the artist to create timeline of the evolution of the Funicular Train at Penance Hill and the changes to Penance Hill.The images also contain of the characteristics of pictures found on stamps from their era. The stamp at the bottom consists of an image of the first generation Funicul ar Train at Penance Hill. The entire image is black and white in color and resembles the photos found on the stamps from that era because the artist is trying to replicate a stamp from that era. It was also stated as the year 1923 on the bottom part of the image. This is a message from the artist that the first generation of the Funicular Train entered into service at that year.The train is small in size and the design of the train is simple. The size of the train is small as there is no modern technology to design a train which is capable of carrying a heavier load. There are also less people visiting Penance Hill during that time. Therefore, there is no need for a bigger train as it will incur a higher cost to build it. The Funicular Train also has no windows and the train conductor's seat does not even have a door. This reflects that people of the time values function over form and comfort. There are a lot of trees and bushes in the background.The artist is trying to tell the aud ience that the Penance Hill is undeveloped during that time. ‘1 c' is also written on the top right corner of the stamp and it represents the value of the stamp. The artist is trying to tell the audience about the economic conditions during that time and 15 cents is all that was required to send a letter. The stamp in the middle consists of an image of the second generation of the Funicular Train at Penance Hill. This image is colored and the drawing style highly resembles drawings found on stamps from that era.The year 977 was stated on the bottom of the image which is the year that the second generation of the Funicular Train entered into service at Penance Hill. The design of this train is more modern and has windows. This shows that the people at the time had started to value comfort and safety. The train is also larger in size and there are less trees and bushes in the background. The artist is trying to tell the audience that the Penance Hill is more developed at that ti me and there are more visitors. Therefore, the train is larger in size to cope with the increased number Of visitors. ‘ICC' is written on the top right ornery of the stamp.This shows that the local economy had bloomed and more money is required to send a letter compared to year 1923. The top stamp represents the latest and current look of the Funicular Train at Penance Hill. This image is more realistic and the drawing style resembles a stamp from the 21st century. The stamp is marked as year 2011 which is also the year the third generation Funicular Train was brought into service. This Funicular Train consists of a high tech-modern design and is larger in size. This shows that people from the 21 SST century seeks not only safety and inform but also speed in their travels.This image features even less bushes and trees than the image in the middle and the sky could be clearly seen. The artist is trying to convey a message saying that even more development had occurred and the t rees are depleting at Penance Hill. ‘RMI' is written on the top right side of the stamp. This shows that the local economy had experienced a huge increase as even more money is required to send a letter. By comparing the three pictures from different era side by side, the artist could show the development of the local economy and the development of Penance Hill.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Jellyfish Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Jellyfish - Essay Example nd non-conventional information combined with the analytical framework of fuzzy logic that increasing trends of jellyfish abundance were identified to be 62% of the Large Marine Ecosystems (LME). Management and adaptation strategies see to the logical expansion to these articles. However, as with the limited research available on the number of jellyfish, the limited research on management focuses upon human interactions with jellyfish in a way to compensate for the lack of evidence and data. Most management of jellyfish populations is done in context with the fisheries, power generation and tourism industries and management in relationship to their impacts on ecosystems and vital food webs. This is obviously due to their great socio-economic impact hence it is more likely to be funded or pursued. ‘The jellyfish joyride: Causes, Consequences and Management response to a more gelatinous future’ by Richardson et al in 2009 provides a thorough table of management responses from the perspective of both ecosystem and human impacts but it is a brief outline. The recent book ‘Jellyfish Blooms’ devotes an entire chapter to management from a human interaction standpoint. Options presented in the book include: 1) prediction of impending jellyfish blooms via ‘early warning systems’ and appropriate countermeasures before outbursts; 2) Jellyfish Excluder for Towed fishing gear (see Figure 6.3); 3) physical and behavioral screens and barriers; 4) education of when it’s safe to swim to reduce encounters with jellyfish; and 5) modeling programs that predict the distribution of jellyfish so effective forecasts and warning systems can be put in place. Noteworthy is that both the articles and the research have a predominance of negativity toward jellyfish which cannot be denied. With synanthropic nature (Purcell, 2007) of jellyfish benefiting from human stressors including fishing, eutrophication and possibly global warming, these fierce ancient competitors pose

Friday, September 27, 2019

Reports as an Important Kind of Academic Writing Essay - 5

Reports as an Important Kind of Academic Writing - Essay Example As such, the authors of the book dedicate the chapter to discussing the types of available reports and the best ways of developing effective researches. Just as is the case with many other chapters in the book, the first section of the chapter discusses the process of inventing report content. As explained in the introduction, reports are systematic documents used to present research findings. Inventing report content, therefore, begins with an effective research that investigates a specific knowledge gap. After carrying out an investigation on a topical issue, a student or any other scholar obtains the vital content to include in a report. The second section then discusses the appropriate styles used in developing reports. The style of a report affects the consumption of the report contents. The authors, therefore, advise students to select appropriate styles, an appropriate style in that a student understands and can, therefore, use efficiently. The authors advise the use of appropriate grammar since reports are professional documents. As such, one can use appropriate jargons that best describes the terms in the discipline. However, the authors contend that students must employ simple grammatical structures since they enhance the consumption of any kind of writing. The chapter is an important section of the book that discusses an equally important kind of writing. The authors adopt a systematic approach to the topic as they discuss one important point after another. This provides the audience with an effective understanding of the topical issue. The book is an important reference in schools owing to its orderly and chronological presentation of ideas. The authors employ simple sentence structures since they enhance the consumption of any type f literature. This way, they explain the various section of the chapter thereby providing their target audience with the vivid description of all the necessary scenarios that may enhance the creation of effective reports.  Ã‚  

Thursday, September 26, 2019

APPLEBY CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 8500 words

APPLEBY CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY - Essay Example t of procedures to answer the question; gathers the necessary evidence; comes out with new findings that were not determined in advance; and, obtains specific findings that are applicable to the parameters of the study. Qualitative research is very efficient and very focused in the objective of obtaining culturally specific information about the values, opinions, behaviors, and social contexts of particular populations. The main advantage of qualitative research is its ability to provide complex textual descriptions of how people experience a given research issue. It provides information about the â€Å"human†side of an issue encompassing potential wide gamut of coverage- beliefs, perspectives, opinions, reflections, and social capital. Qualitative methods are also important in pinpointing and analyzing intangible factors, such as practices, traditions, social status, social capital, social norms, socioeconomic status, gender roles, ethnicity, and religion, whose role in the research process is crucial and essential. Qualitative methods are also flexible. The research makes room for enhanced spontaneity and adaptation of the interaction between the researcher and the study participant. For example, most of the questions asked are â€Å"open-ended†questions that are not asked in the same manner with each participant. With open-ended questions, the participants get to respond in their own way and in their own words. The responses go beyond qualifiers such as theâ€Å"yes†or â€Å"no.† This kind of research approach is very appropriate since it sought to explore phenomena. The instruments used fosters closer engagement with the respondents. It is characterized by an iterative style of eliciting, obtaining and classifying and explaining responses to questions. There is a use of the semi-structured methods such as in-depth interviews,focus groups, and participant observation. The Corporate Social Responsibility of Appleby is one that creates value for our shareholders

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Economics of Race and Gender Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Economics of Race and Gender - Assignment Example The various chapters show the inter-related dependence of the gender based equity amongst the adult members of the family unit In the third chapter, Blau et al. (2009) claim that the family continues to act as an economic unit where the adults remain the major decision makers and make rational decisions through informed choices for the welfare of the whole family rather than for individuals. It is especially true for semi urban and rural areas where the family is intrinsic part of social structure and still acts as the integrated economic unit. The challenges of the fast changing social equations and societal values have also brought forth the gender biases as major controversial issues. The chapter reasserts that the significant contribution of gender stratification to economy within and outside the family. The chapter four elaborates that in the home economics of the changing society, the distribution of time between household and labor market is closely linked to home labor time where the market goods are changed into commodities that are utilized for the maximum good of the family. The authors assert that the time spent on home production is as important as the time spent on paid work that helps to buy goods from the market. They have redefined home production efforts of the women at home and made them as vital part of home economics. They emphasize the gender equity amongst the working population vis-Ã  -vis wage, work distribution and consequently influencing consumption pattern of the goods produced. Thus the authors have given a new perspective to equitable distribution to the gender based economic contribution within and outside the home. The fifth chapter clearly demonstrates the new changing perspectives vis-Ã  -vis gender based stratification of job and emphasis on gender equality. Blau et al. consider that the discrepancy in the roles of

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

A+ Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

A+ - Assignment Example Perceived obsolescence is a concept which means that something has seemingly gone out of style but it has not yet. In other words, basically recycling should be planned obsolescence, because as we become a garbageless society the recycling system will be perceived obsolescence and recognized as such within society, without a doubt. These are real concepts. Recycling only comparmentalizes garbage. We have increasing amounts of recyclable garbage to compartmentalize and reuse, threfore we must realize that when we â€Å"throw away,† there is no away, per se. The garbage is either being added to the amount of recyclable garbage in circulation or is added to the landfills. 4. Since we â€Å"cannot run a linear system on a finite planet indefinitely,† what is the solution if we are to become a sustainable society? Another way to say this is you can’t have unlimited economic growth with limited resources. If we become a sustainable society, we will be far less wasteful as a society. Once our resources become scarce, we are going to have difficulty finding new revenue sources. The problem is, we can no longer depend on foreign oil to help our livelihood. The economy will not recover if we consistently fail to use our resources wisely. So, in effect, we must galvanize as a nation in order to use them with caution and very sparingly. In order to accomplish this we must reign in our spending and not make waste and increase revenue. We need to ensure that the economic system is sustainable environmentally, if that makes sense. Our policies should reflect ecological realities. The biological systems on which we depend should be supported by policies. If they are not, we will have future problems for sure. The political action groups (PACs) that lobby Congress must â€Å"go green† and become environmentally conscious and savvy and â€Å"in the know† about what we are doing to our environment.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Liverpool Old Cathedral as a magnificent architecture Assignment

Liverpool Old Cathedral as a magnificent architecture - Assignment Example The focus in this paper is on Liverpool Old Cathedral. The single tower structure was not the original design proposed by Giles Gilbert Scott who was the winner of the design competition organised by the authorities of Liverpool for the cathedral. Scott family was a family of architects. He was barely twenty two years old when he submitted the original design for the cathedral which had twin towers and not a single tower as it is now being seen with. As the architect was an articled student and it was his first commission at such young age, the management decided to appoint Bodley who was a senior architect and one of the judges of the competition of which Scott was the winner. However the joint commission theory left Scott frustrated to a large extent. The work had begun in the year 1904 and Bodley had several other commitments going on at the same time as well. Bodley was not able to give undivided attention to the construction of the cathedral which created problems for Scott. Sco tt decided to give up on the commission and resign form the job when in the year 1907, Bodley’s sudden death forced him to stay on. Scott was now single in charge of the project and although management doubted his decisions several times never thought of appointing a co-architect. They trusted Scott and his vision of the cathedral. In the year 1910, Scott presented the committee his revised plan of architecture which consisted of single tower unlike the original design. The committee was shocked initially and asked Scott to present more detailed plans. Upon his presentation the changes were agreed upon and the work commenced. The most unusual feature of the history of cathedral’s construction is that it has witnessed 74 years of British history, which includes the golden era and the two world wars. It also witnessed bombing of previously constructed part and needless to say in the times of labour scarcity had tough times to reconstruct the cathedral. It was only assura nce from the royal family as well as the authorities that the construction continued and eventually got completed. This is the fifth longest cathedral of the world and second largest cathedral of England. Features of Liverpool Old Cathedral The common features of any cathedral construction comprise: 1. Chapter House – Which is also the office of dean and chapter where decisions regarding running of the cathedral are taken. 2. Cloisters – Cloisters are rectangular pathways which surround the central garden or greenery. This is used by the occupants

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Perception and Evaluation of Risk and Uncertainty Essay

Perception and Evaluation of Risk and Uncertainty - Essay Example This research will help in knowing public responses to any new technology and the development of new risk management strategies. Social and cultural factors affect perception and acceptance of risk. This is because people try to emphasize on particular risks that they see as important, in order to control what others are thinking and make them believe them, all in trying to make sense out of what is happening to the world mostly through new technology. Starrs research concluded that acceptability of risk from an activity is roughly proportional to the third power of the benefits for that activity and the public will accept risks from voluntary activities (such as skiing) that are roughly 1000 times as great as it would tolerate from involuntary hazards (such as food preservatives) that provide the same level of benefits (Slovic, 1987, 282). Also studies have shown that perception of risk can be quantifiable and predictable. There are models that are used to show the relation between perceptions, behavior and qualitative characteristics of hazards. These models are: Factor-Analytic Representations and Accidents as Signals. Eventually riskiness means a lot to people than expected number of fatalities. In order to carry out a good research, both parties, the public and the experts have to contribute on how they perceive risk. Risk assessment is a methodology used for evaluating the environmental risks of new technologies. Agriculture has evolved since the early 1940s in order to provide enough food for various countries, but the need of taking great care of the environment has increased and rules and regulations have been made to protect the environment. Risk assessment also involves the process of identifying risks and their seriousness, so that decisions can be made on whether or not the technology should be used and how to proceed with it. However, risk assessment has its own serious limitations. This is

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Legalization of Marijuana Essay Example for Free

Legalization of Marijuana Essay One of the major issues that Texas and the rest of the States governments are facing right now is the debate on Marijuana, whether or not to legalize it or decriminalize it. The questions are being asked and discussed, what are the effects? Will legalizing marijuana lead to increased use? Is it a gateway drug? And how many people are getting arrested for minor possessions each year? The illegality of marijuana in Texas is a problem because it is causing users to resort to supporting the black market; it’s a drain on taxpayer’s money and causing major overcrowding problems in the prison system. I propose legalization of medicinal and recreational use of marijuana, and decriminalizing charges associated with marijuana along with age and quantity restrictions to solve this problem. Texas legislature and the rest of the States are all debating this issue, but most of the common public is misinformed or has a stigma on what marijuana is and how it affects you which can lead to many misinterpretations on the plant or a stigma against users. Most of the time it can lead to loss of a job, prison and permanently stains your criminal record. So, what is Marijuana? It’s a drug made from the dry shredded parts of the Cannabis sativa hemp plant. This plant contains a chemical called delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol or more commonly known as THC. What studies have discovered is that it’s very similar to chemicals that the brain naturally produces but it disrupts the natural function of these chemicals in the brain by overloading your senses. Marijuana smoke can also irritate the lungs and frequent smokers can have the same respiratory problems experienced by those who smoke tobacco. Any type of smoking leads to risk of lung cancer. Marijuana has many effects on the brain, this includes but is not limited too short-term memory loss, motor coordination, slow reaction time, mood swings and in some cases can cause severe anxiety. Because of these effects it is believed to be one of the leading causes of car crashes, second only two alcohols. One of the greatest questions asked about Marijuana, is it addictive? While most people believe no, the truth is  statistically 9% of those who try Marijuana will become addicted. Youth are more susceptible than adults and about 2.7 million people in the U.S alone meet the criteria for marijuana dependence. ( THC stimulates brain cells to release the chemical dopamine, which creates a euphoric feeling and can lead to a physical addiction. Similar to tobacco withdrawal, people trying to quit marijuana report irritability, sleeping difficulties, craving, and anxiety. While there are certainly benefits and proven cases of medical marijuana helping people cope with epilepsy as well as cancer patients using the plant to cope with nausea and other symptoms, we must ask ourselves, do these benefits outweigh the risks? Yes the symptoms from smoking marijuana regularly aren’t good, but the symptoms received from marijuana are some of the same symptoms that people get from excessive smoking of tobacco products. Or you could say that the loss of motor function, short-term memory loss and slow reaction time are also symptoms of alcohol abuse. Yet both tobacco and alcohol is legal, with not one medical benefit. Marijuana is illegal even though it has been proven to help some people cope with their disease in some cases, yet its possible to get jail time for one gram of weed. Marijuana is a multi billion-dollar industry, but because marijuana is illegal on the Federal level, taxpayers are seeing none of that money put back into the economy. Instead all the profits are going straight into drug dealers pockets through the black market. Its estimated that the market for marijuana in California is about 3 to 5 billion and that Cali makes up roughly 10% of the national drug market so it could be estimated that the National market is about 30 – 40 billion dollars a year. ( If marijuana was legalized on a National level all of that money would be pouring in and stimulating the economy, which has been on a steep decline for the past decade. The fact is that â€Å"roughly 750,000 people are arrested for charges of minor possession of marijuana each year, which is roughly 48% of all drug arrests in the United States† ( The taxes required the citizens of the U.S to just maintain the prisons alone cost a fortune. â€Å"The cost of prisons was $39 billion in fiscal year 2012† ( This means that its costing regular citizens $18.7 billion to put marijuana users behind bars. This is not only a drain on U.S resources but it’s also a major source of overcrowding of the prisons systems. Currently the U.S incarcerates 1 in nearly 100 American  Adults. ( There are better ways of dealing with crime than mass incarceration. Now how does all this relate to Texas? Currently there are 8 bills in Texas’s house of representatives regarding decriminalizing or legalizing medicinal and recreational use of marijuana. However nothing has been officially decided in the current legislative session. Texas Gov. Greg Abbott said Monday that lawmakers would not approve legislation that would legalize marijuana. â€Å"I don’t think decriminalizing marijuana is going to happen this session,† Abbott said during a news conference. â€Å"I will see Texas continuing to lead the way of diverting away from activity that involves drug use and helping people lead more productive lives.† (Dallas News) But although laws have not been passed to decriminalize possession of marijuana, Abbott did acknowledge efforts to get people off the herb rather than slamming them in jail and crowding the legal system. â€Å"Texas has really been a national leader with regard to drug diversion courts and drug diversion programs,† Abbott said. â€Å"Our goal is not to stockpile prisons with people who are arrested with minor possession issues, our goal is to help those who are found with minor possession take a pathway that is more productive than what jail provides.† This potentially means that there is a source of agreement in Texas legislature that there are some abuses that are happening within the justice system regarding marijuana laws. The â€Å"War on Drugs† has is a waste of Texans taxpayers money and legislative resources as well as causing an overcrowding issue in our prison systems. Not to mention that Texas alone could bring in $166 million in revenue from medicinal marijuana alone which would give a huge boost to the economy. ( Legalization would eliminate almost half of the criminal population in Texas resulting in clean records and better chances of getting a decent job in the Texas work force. It would nearly abolish half the black market drug trafficking since about 50% of drugs being brought in from other states such as California or countries like Mexico is marijuana. Without the stigma and the illegality of marijuana that money would go to the states and the economy rather than supporting the criminal underground. All of these problems could potentially be solved through legalization of marijuana for recreational use but subjected to the same age and quantity restrictions as alcohol or tobacco. The sound evidence for legalization of the herb is causing marijuana opposition arguments to go up  in smoke. Work Cited; Annotated Bibliography â€Å"10 Facts About Marijuana† Drug Policy Alliance, 25 July 2014. Web. 31 Mar. 2015. 10 common facts about Marijuana. Will legalization lead to increased use? Fact: There is no evidence that implementing medical marijuana laws impacts the rate of adolescent use. How many people are arrested for marijuana each year? Fact: Roughly 750,000 people are arrested for marijuana each year, the vast majority of them for simple possession, with racial minorities over-represented. Misinformation and misrepresentation are the leading causes for the debate on marijuana legalization. ERIC SCHLOSSER INTERVIEW. PBS. PBS, n.d. Web. 31 Mar. 2015. Frontline Interview of Eric Scholsser who has written several articles on impact of marijuana enforcement and how it affects the legal system. Schlosser makes the point n a lot of its internal dynamics to the McCarthy era witch-hunts, which I had studied in college. And the deep unreason to it and the hysteria surrounding it seemed very similar. And what concerned me most was how it seemed like another scapegoating. This country traditionally has gone thorough periods of intolerance where we look for scapegoats blame scapegoats and avoid dealing with our real problems. And the war on marijuana seemed like a classic example of that national tendency. So the question that I address myself to in the articles Ive written is how does society come to punish a person more harshly for selling marijuana than for killing somebody with a gun? Under the laws of 15 states you can get a life sentence for a 3rd non-violent marijuana offense but the average prison sentence for a convicted killer is about 6 to 8 years. Henrichson, Christian, and Ruth Delaney. Vera Institute of Justice: Making Justice Systems Fairer and More Effective through Research and Innovation. The Price of Prisons: What Incarceration Costs Taxpayers. VERA Institute of Justice, 29 Feb. 2012. Web. 31 Mar. 2015. The main argument for this source is the price of prison and what incarceration is costing taxpayers. Among the 40 states that participated in a survey, the cost of prisons was $39 billion in fiscal year 2012. Prison Overcrowding American Legislative Exchange Council. ALEC  American Legislative Exchange Council. American Legislative Exchange Council, 2015. Web. 31 Mar. 2015. Prison Overcrowding: The United States currently incarcerates 1 in nearly 100 American adults. America’s incarceration addiction grew during the late 1980s and early 1990s as state and local governments passed â€Å"tough-on-crime† legislation. For example, California’s â€Å"three strikes† law called for mandatory sentencing of repeat offenders, and New York adopted the â€Å"Broken Windows† strategy that called for the arrest and prosecution of all crimes large and small. The solution to this problem is decriminalization of possession charges on a Federal level. Marijuana. American Lung Association. American Lung Association, 2 Feb. 2015. Web. 09 Mar. 2015 what is Marijuana? It’s a drug made from the dry shredded parts of the Cannabis sativa hemp plant. This plant contains a chemical called delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol or more commonly known as THC. What studies have discovered is that it’s very similar to chemicals that the brain naturally produces but it disrupts the natural function of these chemicals in the brain by overloading your senses. The source states that many states are debating whether or not marijuana can be used as medicine. As of right now the FDA has not approved medical use because there is not enough evidence that the benefits outweigh the risks. Marijuana has also only been useful in a limited number of symptoms compared to the wide variety it has been promoted to â€Å"cure†. In addition it has been found not to be as useful in curing these symptoms as other FDA approved drugs for the same symptoms. THC stimulates brain cells to release the chemical dopamine, which creates a euphoric feeling and can lead to a physical addiction. Similar to tobacco withdrawal, people trying to quit marijuana report irritability, sleeping difficulties, craving, and anxiety. Economics: Drug War Facts. Economics. Drug War Facts, n.d. Web. 31 Mar. 2015. Data tables of the US Drug Control Spending. Source: National Drug Control Budget: FY 2016 Funding Highlights (Washington, DC: Executive Office of the President, Office of National Drug Control Policy) See more at:

Friday, September 20, 2019

Esophagram Barium Swallow Analysis

Esophagram Barium Swallow Analysis Two common radiographic procedures of the upper GI system involving the administration of contrast media are the esophagram, or barium swallow, as it is sometimes referred to, and the upper GI series. Each of these procedures is described in detail, beginning with the esophagram. This examination is used for the patient who have high dysphagia or definite oesophageal symptoms, or have quite often had a normal OGD but are still symptomatic, quite often a motility disorder may be the cause. Esophagram or barium swallow, is the common radiographic procedure or examination of the pharynx and esophagus, utilizing radiopaque contrast medium may be used. The purpose of an esophagram is to study radiographically the form and function of the swallowing aspects of the pharynx and esophagus. No major contraindications exist for esophagrams except possible sensitivity to the contrast media used. the technologist should determine whether the patient has a history of sensitivity to barium sulfate or water soluble contrast media. Known aspiration during ingestion (although this can be overcome by using non-ionic water soluble contrast). The contrast agent for barium swallow is barium sulphate suspension 250% w/v or water soluble contrast medium. Barium sulphate are, high atomic number, not soluble in water, used to coat the lining of organs, supplied in different thicknesses. Used in esophogram, UGI, Small Bowel, Lower GI or BE. History of barium sulphate is starting with, lead substrate-toxic, bismuth subnitrate-toxic, thorium-radioactive, barium sulphte-inert(goes in and comes out the same not absorbed). Barium sulphate mixture are contraindicated if any chance exists that the mixture might escape into the peritoneal cavity. This escape may occur through a perforated viscus or during surgery that follos the radiographic procedure. in either of these two cases, water soluble, iodinated contrast media should be used. Two example of this type gastrografin and Gastroview. Both of these water soluble contrast agent can be easily removed by aspiration before or during surgery. if any of this water-soluble material escape into the peritoneal cavity, the body can readily absorb it. Barium sulfate, on the other hand, is not absorbed. One drawnback to the water soluble materials is their bitter taste. Although these iodinated contrast media sometimes are mixed w ith carbonated soft drinks to mask the taste, they often are used as is or diluted with water. The patient should be forewarned that the taste may be slightly bitter. The technologist should be aware that water soluble contrast agents travel through the GI tract faster than barium sulfate. The shorter transit time of water soluble contrast agents should be kept in mind if delayed images of the stomach of duodenum are ordered. If there is any query that the patient may aspirate, the initial swallow is best carried out using a water-soluble contrast medium, although aspiration of barium has been considered by some to be relatively harmless. Aspiration may not be suspected but unsuspected silent aspiration may be found. The more common pathologic indications for an esophagram procedure suchas, achalasia also term cardiospasm, is a motor disorder of the oesophagus in which peristalsis is reduced along the distal two thirds of the esophagus. Achalasia is evident at the esophagogastric s phincter because of its inability to relax during swallowing. The thoracic esophagus may also lose its normal peristaltic activity become dilated (megaesophagus). Video and rapid digital fluoroscopies are most helpful in diagnosis of achalasia. Anatomic anomalies may be congenital or caused by disease, such as cancer of the esophagus. Patients suffering from a stroke often develop impaired swallowing mechanisms. certain foods and contrast agents are administered during the examination to evaluate swallowing patterns. A speech pathologist may witness the study to better understand the speech swallowing patterns of the patients. Video and digital fluoroscopy are used during these studies. Barretts esophagus, or barrette syndrome, is the replacement of the normal squamos epithelium with columnar-lined epithelium ulcer tissue in the lower oesophagus. This replacement may produce a structure of the distal oesophagus. In advanced cases, the development of a peptic ulcer in the distal esop hagus may occurs. The esophagram may demonstrate subtle tissue change in the esophagus, but nuclear medicine is the modality of choice for this condition. the patient is injected with technetium 99m pertechnetate to demonstrate the shift in tissue types in the esophagus. Carcinoma of the oesophagus includes one of the most common malignancies of the oesophagus, adenocarcinoma. advanced symptoms include dysphagia (difficulty in swallowing) and localized pain during meals and bleeding. Other tumors of the oesophagus include carcinosarcoma, which often produces a large, irregular polyp, and pseudocarcinoma. Dysphagia is difficulty in swallowing. This difficulty may be due to a congenital or acquired condition, a trapped bolus of food, paralysis of the pharyngeal or esophageal muscle, or inflammation. Narrowing or an enlarged, flaccid appearance of the esophagus may be seen during the esophagram, depending on the cause of the dysphagia. Video and digital fluoroscopy are the modalities of choice. Esophagram and endoscopy are performed to detect these tumors. The esophagram may demonstrate atropic changes in the mucosa due to the invasion of the tumor as well as stricture. Because the esophagus is empty most of the time, patients need no preparation for an esophagram only, all clothing and anything metallic between the mouth and the waist should be removed, and the patient should wear a hospital gown. Before the fluoroscopic procedure a pertinent history should be taken and the examination carefully explained to the patient. The first part of an esophagrams involves fluoroscopy with a positive-contrast medium. The examination room should be clean, tidy and appropriately stocked before the patient is escorted to the room. The appropriate amount and type of contrast medium should be ready. esophagrams generally use both thin and thick barium. Additional items useful in the detection of a radiolucent foreign body are cotton balls soaked in thin barium, barium pills or gelatine capsules filled with BaSO4, marshmallows. After swallowing any one of these three substance, the patient is asked to swallow an additional thin barium mixture, because the esophagram begins with the table in the vertical position, the footboard should be in place and tested for security. lead aprons, compression paddle, and lead gloves should be provided for the radiologist, as well as aprons for all other personnel in the room. proper radiation methods must be observed at all times during fluoroscopy. With the room prepared and the patient ready, the patient and radiologist are introduced and the patientis history and the reason for the exam discussed. The fluoroscopic examination usually begins with the general survey of the patients chest, including heart, lungs and diaphragm, and the abdomen. During fluoroscopy, the technologists duties, in general, are to follow the radiologists instructions, assist the patient as needed, and expedite the procedure in any manner possible, because the examination is begun in the upright or erect position, a cup of thin barium is placed in the patients left hand close to the left shoulder. The patient then is instructed to follow the radiologists instructions concerning how much to drink and when. The radiologist observes the flow of barium with the fluoroscope. Swallowing (deglutition) of thin barium is observed with the patient in various positions. Similar positions may be used while the patient swallows thick barium. The used of thick barium allows better visualization of mucosal patterns and lesion within the esophagus. The type of barium mixture to be used, however is determined by the radiologist. After the upright studies, horizontal and trendelenburg positions with thick and thin barium may follow. The pharynx and cervical esophag us are usually studied fluoroscopically with the spot films, whereas the main portion of the esophagus down to the stomach is studied both with fluoroscopy and with post fluoroscopy overhaed radiograph. the diagnosis of possible esophageal reflux or regurgitation or gastric contents may occur during fluoroscopy or an esophagram. One or more of the following procedures may be performed to detect esophageal reflux. First, breathing exercise the various breathing exercises are all designed to increase both the intrathoracic and the intraabdominal pressures. The most common breathing exercise in the valsalva maneuver. The patient is asked to take a deep breath and, while holding the breath in, to bear down as though trying to move the bowels. This maneuver forces air against the closed glottis.  A modified valsalva maneuver is accomplished as the patient pinches off the nose, closes the mouth, and tries to blow the nose. The checks should expand outward as though the patient were blow ing up a balloon. A Mueller manoeuvre can also be performed as the patient exhaled and then tries to inhale against a closed glottis. With both methods, the increase of intraabdominal pressure may produced the reflux of ingested barium that would confirm the presence of esophageal reflux. The radiologist carefully observes the esophagogastric junction during these manoeuvres. Second is water test that done with the patient in the supine position and turned up slightly on the left side. This slightly LPO position fills the fundus with barium. The patients are asked to swallow a mouthful of water through a straw. Under fluoroscopy the radiologists closely observe the esophgogastric junction. A positive water test occurs when significant amounts of barium regurgitate into the esophagus from the stomach. A compression paddle can be placed under the patient in the prone position and inflated as needed to provide pressure to the stomach region. The radiologist can demonstrate the obscure esophagogastric jun ction during this process to detect possible esophageal reflux. The toe-touch manoeuvre is also performed to study possible regurgitation into the esophagus from the stomach. Under fluoroscopy the cardiac orifice is observed as the patient bends over and touches the toes. Esophageal reflux and hiatal hernias are sometimes demonstrated with the toe-touch manoeuvre. If the patient is a female, then a menstrual history must be obtained. Irradiation of an early pregnancy is one of the most hazardous situations in diagnostic radiography. X-ray examinations such as the upper GI series that include the pelvis and uterus in the primary beam and include fluoroscopy should only be done on a pregnant female when absolutely necessary. In general, abdominal radiographs of a known pregnancy should be delayed at least until the third trimester or, if patients condition allows (as determined by the physician), until after the pregnancy. This waiting period is especially important if fluoroscopy, which greatly increase patient exposure is involved. Potential difficulties that may arise out of a Barium Swallow is discomfort of air insufflation. Poor tolerance of swallowed gas mixture can make for poor stomach and oesophageal distension. Where buscopam injection is used to relax bowel for better pictures, patients may experience some blurring of vision.  Tendency  of barium to cause constipation in the days following the procedure. Need for an interpreter in non-English speaking patients. Disadvantages of Barium Swallow Useful for functional assessment allows the assessment of motility, reflux and distension. In comparison to gastroscopy, barium swallow is safer. Available resource. It is difficult to compare costs between barium studies and endoscopy and they may be of comparable costs. However is some centres barium studies are much more accessible to GPs and may be arranged with much less delay for the patient than gastroscopy. Not as comprehensive or accurate method for diagnosis of some conditions in comparison to gastroscopy. Not able to take samples or provide treatment as part of the procedure. Radiation exposure. Dose is 2 3 millisieverts compared with chest film 0.06 millisieverts and background radiation of 2millisieverts per year. Users of ionising radiation are required to inform all women of child bearing age about the risks of radiation in pregnancy. Pregnancy is a relative contraindication to the use of radiation but generally in the context of the barium enema the urgency is such that can delay or choose alternative investigation.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

A Comparison of Vacations :: Compare Contrast Comparing

A Comparison of Vacations Summer and vacations are synonymous, especially with my family. Does Chevy Chase and summer vacation ring a bell? With a family of six, anything is possible. There are two types of excursions that we take every year. I refer to one as my family vacation and the other as my family trip. My family vacation to the beach is an annual event, but my family trip destination is always different. This past summer my family and I went to Wyoming. Both experiences were the highlights of my summer but for very different reasons. We begin packing for our beach trip shortly after my grandmother arrives from North Carolina. My dad's twenty-five-year-old surfboard is securely tied on top, and we are stuffed like sardines into the car with the week's groceries packed in every nook and cranny. My dad always insists that we take everything with us; it would be a sin to spend good beach time at the grocery store. The trip down is uneventful, and we make our traditional one and only stop at the Subway for lunch and gas. I was taught early on that there are limited drinks on travel day because bathroom breaks are unheard of. After an early start we arrive to find our three-bedroom, three-bath condo just as we remember it. We especially enjoy having a VCR in each bedroom, After unpacking the car, my family and I head for the beach. The familiar smell of the salty air, the rhythm of the ocean waves, and the gentle breeze across my face are like long-lost friends. The beach routine begins. Just as we do on the day we leave for the beach, my family and I wake up early to prepare to leave for Wyoming. My dad says that getting my family of six ready to go is like launching the space shuttle. For this trip, luggage is limited to what we can each carry. We all convince my dad that there will be grocery stores in Wyoming. After a quick trip to the airport, we board a jet to Atlanta and take a connecting flight to Denver. The highlight of our plane trip is the long-awaited lunch, which is a real disappointment. My mom and dad nap, while my sisters and I watch a movie.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Has Nontraditional Training Worked for Women? Essay -- Women Workforce

Has Nontraditional Training Worked for Women? The Best of Intentions... In the 1970s, the imbalance in gender distribution across occupations came to be recognized as a socioeconomic problem, and federal legislation aimed at education, training, and employment began to address the issue over the next 2 decades. Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 and Executive Order 11246 in 1978 prohibited discrimination by schools and contractors receiving federal funds. The Carl D. Perkins Vocational Education Act and its successive reauthorizations established state equity coordinators and set aside program funds specifically for gender equity and single parents/displaced homemakers (SP/DH). The Nontraditional Employment for Women Act of 1991 amended the Job Training Partnership Act to require employment goals for women in NTOs, and the 1992 Women in Apprenticeship Occupations and Nontraditional Occupations Act (WANTO) provided technical assistance to employers and unions for integrating women into NTOs. In 1994, the School-to-Work Opportunities Act was inte nded to increase opportunities for people to prepare for careers not traditional for their race, gender, or disability (Ohio State University 1996; Olson 1999; Wider Opportunities for Women 1993). Over the last 2 decades, have these combined efforts made a difference? According to the Department of Labor's most recent statistics (Women's Bureau 1998), a handful of NTOs are now 20-25% female, but many others remain at less than 10%, including firefighters (2.5%), heating/air conditioning mechanics (1.5%), and tool and die makers (0.2%). Despite the 1978 goal that the construction work force of 2000 would be one-quarter female, today's reality is about 2.7%, the same leve... ...Strategies for Increasing Women's Participation in Technical and Skilled Trades Training." [digital publication] Victoria, British Columbia: Pine Tree Publishing, 1995. <> Wider Opportunities for Women. Training, Placing and Retaining Women in Nontraditional Jobs. Washington, DC: WOW, 1993. (ED 362 788) Women's Bureau. Women Workers: Outlook to 2005. Washington, DC: Women's Bureau, U.S. Department of Labor, 1992. (ED 356 171) <> Women's Bureau. Nontraditional Occupations for Women in 1998. Washington, DC: Women's Bureau, U.S. Department of Labor, 1998. <> Zhao, P., and Fadale, L. New York State New Ventures Program Model. Albany: Two-Year College Development Center, State University of New York, 1996. (ED 404 467)

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Adapting International Accounting Standards Essay -- Accounting Inter

Companies in each country have to adapt and regulate their financial statements to certain requirements. They base and format their accounting standards on their national General Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) set by security regulators. However, in this modern globalized era, owing to too many financial differences between nations, it is increasingly difficult for entities to compare their financial records and identify trends in their financial position and performance with their competitors. As an answer to such financial chaos, harmonisation consists of formulating one universal GAAP; accountants worldwide would subsequently be able to use one single standardized practice, which would, according to Weber (1992), improve financial market information, government accountability, facilitate international transactions and minimise exchange costs. However, harmonising standards remains a disputable answer in accounting. This paper will attempt to shed some light on the current debate about the pros and cons of adopting a universal set of accounting standards. International accounting standards are discussed, set and published by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) which was formed in 2001. The International Accounting Standards Committee (IASC) was the predecessor of the IASB; its Foundation is to harmonise all worldwide GAAPs into one single set of accounting standards. According to Mogul (2003), harmonisation is defined as the constant process of ensuring that the GAAP of each country are formulated, aligned and updated to international best practices (GAAPs in other countries) with suitable modifications and fine tuning, considering each domestic condition. Harmonisation is thus wished by any financ... ... issue 7, pp. 975-992 ScienceDirect [Online]. Available at: (Accessed: 03 November 2010) Mogul, S. (2003) Harmonization of Accounting Standards. Available at: (Accessed: 3 November 2010) Blake, J. and Hossain, M. (1996) Readings in International Accounting. London: Routledge. Weber, C.M. (1992) ‘Harmonization of international accounting standards’, The National Public Accountant [Online]. Available at: (Accessed: 3 November 2010) Wittington, G. (2008) ‘Harmonisation or discord? The critical role of the IASB conceptual framework review’, Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, vol. 27, issue 6, pp. 495-502 ScienceDirect [Online]. Available at: (Accessed: 03 November 2010)

Monday, September 16, 2019

Organizational Objectives and Total Compensation Essay

Compensation laws designed to protect the employees of an organization. A compensation package comprises of monetary and non-monetary benefits to help an organization in retaining the highly qualified, to spark high performance, and to attract quality applicants. Those compensations will vary from industry to industry and from employer to employer within those industries. The size of the organization and the number of employees will dictate how many benefits are offered in a total compensation plan. The list of benefits is too plentiful to mention more than once and are covered later in this paper. This list could go on and on as it continues to grow with the diversity of America’s workforce. One particular item of interest in the biotech industry would be the health coverage portion of the total compensation plan. Laws and Regulations Influencing Total Compensation The Patient Protection and Affordable Health Care Act is one law that companies need to consider in creating a total compensation plan. It was initiated to aid individuals in obtaining healthcare coverage, even those who were unemployed. â€Å"The Affordable Care Act actually refers to two separate pieces of legislation — the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (P.L. 111-148) and the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010 (P.L. 111-152) — that, together expand Medicaid coverage to millions of low-income Americans and makes numerous improvements to both Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP)† (Affordable Care†¦n.d.). There are several laws that relate to compensation plans and the different aspects of pay. The first being The Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938. â€Å"The Fair Labor Standards Act is responsible for establishing minimum wage, recordkeeping regulations, overtime pay rates and youth employment  standards, which affect employees in both the private sector and in Federal, State and local governments† (What you should†¦n.d.). The Equal Pay Act (1963) was an amendment to the FLSA and restricts any kind of discrimination based on sex for men and women working at similar jobs and in the same workplace.   Another law is â€Å"The Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA) is a federal law that sets minimum standards for most voluntarily established pension and health plans in private industry to provide protection for individuals in these plans† (U.S. Department of Labor, n.d.). An important thing to remember is that â€Å"Compensation systems must be consistent with the existing legislation in the areas of Labour Standards, equal pay, Human Rights, Employment Insurance, pension or retirement benefits, labor relations and Occupational Health and Safety† (Compensation & Benefits, n.d.). Similarities and Differences in Total Compensation between Organizations Biotechnology in simple terms deals with biology, and as such this industry is at a greater risk for health issues and must take into consideration a compensation plan placing emphasis on health insurance and monetary rewards. These two combined areas will attract better quality applicants and keep those deserving of mention on-board. This company with only 200 employees will begin with a total compensation plan consisting of: competitive pay, health insurance, matching 401(k) contributions, bonus programs based on job performance. Eli Lilly & Company offers their employees so many benefits it makes it easy to choose them as an employer: financial wellness, career development, health insurance, time off, lifecare resource and referral service, on-site child development centers, support groups, no-stress dress code, food services, â€Å"free gym membership, Lilly fitness centers, Lilly recreational park & sports and hobby clubs† (One decision†¦2014) just to name a few. This list is very extensive and far too long to list on this paper. SC Johnson’s total compensation is ever evolving and includes: â€Å"bonuses, long-term incentives and benefits, profit sharing, matching on 401(k) contributions; and potential bonus payments based on job performance, subsidized health care benefits, maternity/paternity/adoption leave, recreation and fitness centers, vacation purchase options, paid sabbaticals, flexible work arrangements, counseling services, child care, onsite training, family-oriented programs, maternity/paternity/adoption leave, child care, and family volunteer events, scholarships for students and more† (Compensation and benefits, n.d.). Conclusion In order to attract â€Å"only the best† it is paramount that any compensation package offered be the deciding factor. The total compensation package being offered is comparative, similar and acceptable in the industry. References: Affordable Care Act. (n.d.). Affordable Care Act. Retrieved from Compensation & Benefits. (n.d.). Compensation & Benefits. Retrieved from Compensation and benefits. (n.d.). Compensations and Benefits. Retrieved from SC Johnson, A Family Company: One decision†¦many benefits. (2014). One decision-many benefits. Retrieved from Eli Lilly: U.S. Department of Labor. (n.d.). Retirement Plans, Benefits & Savings. Retrieved from United States Department of Labor: What You Know About The Fair Labor Standards Act. (n.d.). What you should know about the Fair Labor Standards Act. Retrieved from: Laws: http//

Case Study Project on Adult Development

Daniel Christian Smith was born on 11/28/1977 in Bossier City, Louisiana. He is a white Caucasian, 27 years old and not married yet- still looking for his dream-girl. Daniel comes from a relatively large family because he has a sister Sarah, 25, and brother, David, 28. The family served as a spring-board to the future for Daniel.His parents have taught him how to work hard, how to succeed and relate to people, that is why he owes all of his present success to them. Daniel’s parents are both teachers and the atmosphere in the family has always been very favorable for learning. Daniel mentions that he has felt knowledge running through his blood since the very first days when he was born.Daniel is a great professional in the information systems field at present but he needed to study very hard to obtain all of the skills which he possesses now. He finished school with honors, then attended technical college and finally got a degree in management at Louisiana State University of Shreveport.As Daniel mentions himself, he was already a highly-qualified professional in information systems when he got out of college. All of his friends and relatives lined up to his doors when their computers were broken. However, Daniel wanted to attend LSUS in order to obtain its diploma in management- that magic slip of paper which could say he was worth something in the business world. Studies at LSUS were particularly difficult for Daniel because he needed to work at three jobs in order to pay for college.As he remembers now, there were many nights when he thought he needed to give up because he was too exhausted but instead, he gathered all of his efforts and kept studying more.Today he can look back at all of the hardships which he had to go through and say that it was worth it. He is CIO at a large company now and has to travel a lot about the country to monitor the IT departments in different cities. Â  Daniel is planning to keep studying in future to obtain an MBA bec ause his promotion greatly depends on the educational background.Daniel’s psychological and biological characteristics are quite unique in many ways. He is a choleric and his neurotransmitters are not balanced at all. The reactions in his system go very fast and he is overly sensitive and emotional.Due to the personality type, Daniel’s endocrine system functions normally and all of the processes in his body go very fast. Unlike melancholic types who have very slow processes in their body, Daniel has very fast processes and endocrine system functioning on the highest level.Daniel has left prefrontal asymmetry which has a deep impact on all of his activities and abilities. Left prefrontal asymmetry enables him to be very good at subjects dealing with logics and analysis. He has always been skilful in sciences and mathematics because he could catch the teacher’s idea immediately.At the same time, this type of brain asymmetry has a negative impact on Daniel’s skills in such fields as arts and humanitarian subjects. It is usually much easier for Daniel to write a new computer program than deal with the interface of some application because design has never been an apple of his eye.He cannot be creative but instead can critically analyze large amounts of information. The type of job which Daniel is doing welcomes left prefrontal asymmetry. The only problem which he can face due to this kind of asymmetry is his relatively low abilities to manage people.The development of Daniel’s personality is going to occur very intensively during the next year. Changes are going to occur in his body, mental capacities, life perception, emotional ties, attitudes towards politics and his job. He got appointed as the company’s IT manager only a very short time ago, therefore his development will be happening very rapidly.First of all, Daniel is going to develop his professional skills greatly. He is going to learn how learn many new things an d develop his communication skills to a large extent. In the past, he needed to combine work with education and could not apply his skills to the fullest. During the next year, Daniel will be able to concentrate only on his responsibilities in the company and achieve much better results.Some change in values and interests of Daniel is also going to occur. During the period of time when a person enters a new level in his career, the re-evaluation of many values occurs. Family will become less important because more and more time will be devoted to work.Friends will also stop being a high priority because career will take all of the time. Daniel will realize that the higher he gets on the career ladder, he more he will have to work in order to be prosperous and successful. Daniel will also realize that the priorities in his life have changed greatly.If in the previous year he considered the diploma at the university the most important goal of his life, in the next year he is going to change his goal. Most likely, his strategic objective is going to become obtaining the position of the CEO of the company. This goal is quite realistic for Daniel, due to his strengths.The rapid development of Daniel is going to be caused for the most part by his strengths which will get even more emphasized in the following year. One of the greatest strengths which Daniel has is willingness to succeed.This quality will develop very much during the next year. Daniel always achieves his goals, no matter how difficult the road to success is. There are other strengths which Daniel possesses, such as good communication skills, high determination, and great problem solving skills, broad mind. He has a great ability to work in a team, good analytical skills, and lots of energy.Above all that, he has willingness and capability to achieve all the goals, ability to acquire new skills fast. All of these qualities are going to develop even more during the next year. For example, Daniel’ s problem solving skills are going to become much more advanced due to his work.Daniel does not have many weaknesses in comparison with the strengths which he possesses. His major weakness is orientation on his emotions more than on his brain.However, during the next year this weakness will disappear for the most part because Daniel will have to make many important decisions and he will need to base his judgments not on emotions but on his brain. Daniel’s managing skills will develop very much, despite his left prefrontal asymmetry due to large experience which he will gain.Daniel’s development will go even more rapidly during the next five years. His new responsibilities will have a very deep impact on his perception of life. Owing to success-orientation, Daniel is very likely to achieve the CEO position within 5 years.Such a major change in his life is going to influence his ideas about marriage. Daniel will choose a wife who can provide the most convenience to him. 32 years is the same when one of the crises for Daniel can occur, and he will probably want to secure himself by getting married and having children.Parenting is going to change many values which Daniel had and start a new stage in his life. However, Daniel has always been a workaholic, and his work is going to remain the greatest priority in his life.The predictions about the development of Daniel may not be completely accurate because some changes in lives are initiated by the individual himself while others are beyond his control. Some of the events which can shape his life greatly might never happen.For example, it is impossible to predict how his career promotion will go. It depends not only on Daniel and his abilities but also on the situation in the company and some sort of luck. The development of personality is mostly determined by major events which happen in the life of the person. It is possible to predict the events which might happen, but it is impossible to predict th em with a 100% probability.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Putting Global Warming on Ice Essay

What makes the earth’s temperature rise and fall? Do greenhouse gases block solar heat from leaving the earth, or is it only a product of solar activity? Many people have theorized on what causes temperatures to change. A catch phrase named Global Warming came to popularity. Environmentalists from all walks of life joined the ‘global warming’ fight. According to Thomas O’Connell the global warming debate wasn’t accepted in the 60’s and 70’s when he studied it. It only became popular recently in the 90’s. Everyone believed that humans were causing a catastrophe by punching a whole into an ‘ozone layer’ in the sky, letting harmful rays of sun in. People fought to shutdown plants in order to stop the emissions of carbon dioxide and other ‘greenhouse gases’. Everyone believed the global warming claims coming from senators and environmentalists. Today in the 21st century, science has stepped up to disprove the common myths of global warming. Many of the theories and claims of global warming are easily disproved with science. Science is the only tool that can be used to tell whether theories are fact or fiction. The first issue of global warming is the recent Kyoto Protocol, an international treaty designed to cut greenhouse emissions from successful countries. The international Kyoto protocol has been in debate for many years. The Kyoto protocol is an international treaty to reduce developed country’s greenhouse emissions, specifically carbon dioxide, to 7% below their 1990 levels. As President Bush came to office he refused the U.S.’s involvement in the treaty. President Bush wasn’t even the man that killed the idea for the U.S. (National Center 2). A bill, stating that the U.S. wouldn’t ratify any climate treaty that would harm the United States economically and would have no consequences for developing or â€Å"3rd World† countries, was passed with a unanimous 95-0 vote by the senate before President Bush was elected (National Center 2). The treaty isn’t about global warming. It was designed in order to transfer success from developed nations like the U.S. to developing or struggling countries (Tuccille 2). Research declares that China, India, and Brazil who are not affected by the Kyoto Protocol will increase their CO2 emissions by 16% more than the United States even without  the Protocol in effect (National Center 3). Proponents of the protocol confessed that the treaty â€Å"would not have the beneficial environmental impacts advertised† and that â€Å"the costs of implementation would be much higher than the public had been told† (National Center 1). U.S. economy would suffer if we agreed to partake in the Kyoto scheme. Gasoline prices would increase by as much as 66 cents per gallon, electrical costs would also increase up to 80%, energy intensive products such as chemicals, steel, paper, and cars would rise in price by as much as 15%. (National Center 2). â€Å"The economy of the USA would be devastated,† states Thomas O’Connell. The minority income would be lowered by about 10%, 864,000 African Americans as well as 511,000 Hispanics would be unemplo yed (National Center 2). Oil and fuel used for farming would be taxed or restricted causing in a higher cost of producing and lower profits of products including corn, soybeans, wheat, cotton, hogs, and milk (Heartland Institute 2 and 3). Businesses taxed by the government for their emissions would result in raising costs for their consumers (Heartland Institute 3). New regulations would be implemented for automobiles making carpooling mandatory and would penalize owners of trucks and sports cars. The average household income would even drop by about $2,700 (Heartland Institute 2). Even the unbiased and credible Time magazine quoted, â€Å"the campaign against global warming seemed to be over before it even started† referring to the Kyoto Protocol (Tuccille 1). Are we prepared to â€Å"disappear from the map† in order to prevent 1 degree Celsius of warming for the next Century? One of the hot issues on global warming is that humankind has had something to do with the temperature. Man-made emissions such as carbon dioxide have been claimed to cause global temperatures to increase over the years. Ever since the industrial revolution in the 1940’s man has continued to emit gases such as CO2 into the air. Many people claim that CO2 is what blocks heat from escaping the atmosphere. They also claim that mankind has poked a hole in something called the â€Å"ozone layer†, a protective layer above the atmosphere that keeps harmful UV radiation out, which lets more solar rays in. How convenient. The fact is that 98% of these â€Å"greenhouse gases† are natural to the earth. Man has not emitted them and they are not pollutants. They are mostly water vapors and clouds (Zipperer 2). Does that sound dangerous to you? The earth  has even cut down on the rate of carbon dioxide emissions from the years 1973-1990 (Lindzen 1 and 2). Even if we did have a lot of CO2 in the air evidently the effects wouldn’t be catastrophic. In the past the atmosphere has had much more amounts of CO2 in it before without significant increases in temperature (Lindzen 4). Richard Lindzen, a professor of meteorology at MIT, claims that a doubling of CO2 in the earth’s atmosphere would only result in a 1 degree Celsius increase in global temperature (National Center 3). Another greenhouse gas is methane. Methane is more harmful than CO2 but will not increase significantly for another 100 years if it continues at its current rate (Michaels 1). Many credible experts in the field of science have agreed that man is not responsible. Over 17,000 scientists from all over the world have signed a petition declaring that â€Å"there is no convincing scientific evidence that human release of carbon dioxide, methane, or other greenhouse gases is causing or will, in the foreseeable future, cause catastrophic heating of the earth’s atmosphere and disruption of the earth’s climate† (Heartland Institute 5). Even if there were significant cases of warming global temperatures the effects wouldn’t be as tragic as everyone thinks. There are many benefits to the warming of the earth, as there are consequences. Warming on a global scale would have dramatic effects on life and climates. Some effects may be harmful but many of them are beneficial. Some ideas about global warming consequences are myths that are unlikely. Many people say that global warming is linked with the uprising in tropical storms. Storms such as hurricanes coming from the southeast into Florida coasts have been getting stronger for many years, but in 1991 there was a drought of storms that ranged to 1995. The amount and intensity fell way below the average, which suggests that these storms were not affected by the warming of the earth (Bible Believers 3 and 4). Others claim that sea levels have risen all over the world because the polar ice caps are slowly melting due to the warming. Tests have proven that temperatures at the poles are actually getting colder and that sea levels have been rising for centuries before we had any affect on the c limate (Bible Believers 3). Former Vice President Al Gore spoke of diseases migrating due to climate warming. He spoke of diseases like the Black Plague and Cholera, which he believed were  spread because of weather patterns. Rats, who spread the Black Plague, lived in both warm and cold climates so they had no reason to migrate. His second example Cholera has been a problem in both warm and cold climates and can be easily treated by purifying the water we drink (Heartland Institute 9). Many people have never heard possible benefits of global warming before. Having a warmer climate is very beneficial. Historically, very warm periods in time resulted in flourishing life such as plants, animals, and fish (Bible Believers 4). Even large amounts of CO2 can be beneficial. More CO2 in the atmosphere fuels plants, which makes more food for all walks of life. Vikings were once able to farm what is now a cold and icy Greenland (Zipperer 3). A warming of the earth would result in longer growing seasons and would deplete world hunger and crop failure (Robinson 3). Global warming wouldn’t be all that bad, but we do not have a way to tell if there is or will be any warming because of the difficulty to predict the weather. In order to make predictions about weather, people have designed computer models that estimate changes in weather patterns. The models are designed from past weather data and possible factors effecting the weather. What modelers do not know is that global weather is very hard to predict, maybe even impossible without the right understanding and tools for the job (Robinson 2). Factors such as clouds, precipitation, oceans, and the sun are misunderstood and often underestimated (Zipperer 2). Modelers also leave out possible advances in the future such as nuclear energy and the positive effect it would have on the environment (Lindzen 2). Our current technology isn’t even close to being advanced enough. Errors in the data are equivalent to 50% (Lindzen 3). These computer models could not even predict weather from the past. While global temperatures have raised by .3 to .6 C over the past 100 years models have over predicted the increase to be from .7 to 1.4 C by the year 1990 (Heartland Institute 7). Climate modelers have even inputted their own bias into the data, shifting variables to what they want them to be. â€Å"Climate modelers have been cheating for so long it’s almost become respectable,† says Richard A. Kerr, a writer for Science magazine. Further research on the topic is necessary in order to accurately determine whether we have a problem or not. Many people of profession have studied global warming and what may affect the outcome of their results. When measuring from the surface global temperatures have increased by about .6 degrees Celsius with a .2-degree error, but parts of the United States including the southeast have cooled slightly since the late 19th century (NOAA 2). For those 100 years of slight warming, 70% of it occurred before the industrial revolution in 1940 in which man began to emit gases into the air (Zipperer 2). The surface on and around the equator has remained plus or minus 1 degree Celsius of its current temperature for billions of years (Lindzen 4). Research has also been done to determine the affect on rising and falling temperatures. Scientists have found very close relations with solar activity from the sun and the current temperature patterns, which suggests that fluctuations in temperatures are out of our hands (NOAA 5). Satellites are the best way to determine global temperatures. They are unbiased and have only a 0.001-degree Celsius of error (Heartland Institute 6). These satellites have confirmed that there is no evidence of global warming. If anything there is a slight cooling in the atmosphere (National Center 3). Very reliable agencies have done their own research on global warming. Many scientists have tested the greenhouse theory carefully and have found that greenhouse warming isn’t even occurring and that rising temperatures are do to different stages of solar activity (Robinson 1). In 1995 the IPCC, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, did not prove that humans were affecting global temperatures (Heartland Institute 8). Their report, Climate Change, includes a statement, â€Å"The balance of evidence suggests a discernible human influence on the global climate† (Heartland Institute 8). Dr. Roy Spencer, a meteorologist and team leader of the NASA/Marshall Space Flight Center, quotes, â€Å"The temperatures we measure from space a re actually on a very slight downward trend since 1979†¦ the trend is about 0.05C per decade cooling† (Heartland Institute 7). In a recent poll only 17% of the meteorological society and the American Geophysical Society believe that global warming is a product of man (Bible Believers 2). Representatives from the Environmental Protection Agency are threatening to withdraw their support from a global warming study done by the government. They have said that the report has an â€Å"extreme/alarmist tone† and that it does not â€Å"appear to fairly reflect the scientific literature and the historical record†Ã‚  (Torres 1). The representatives claimed that the report also had â€Å"scientifically inaccurate statements about the potential implications of climate change for air pollution and human† (Torres 1 and 2). Usually, in scientific law, if a hypothesis fails through experimentation it should be discarded, but the theory of global warming and greenhouse gases as a result of man is still considered substantial hypothesis even though it has been proven to be unlikely (Robinson 2). The debate of global warming may continue on for many years to come. Mankind may never see any rising in global temperatures, but nevertheless it will be speculated. Thomas O’Connell At this moment in time there has not been any reliable and convincing evidence that the globe is dangerously warming. Global temperature is a product of natural variables that affect the earth. Man has little if any influence on this temperature. Many of the greenhouse claims have been poorly researched and have yet to be proven credible. Hopefully in the future science will prevail and provide the real answer. Until then, people interested in global warming should do research of their own in order to formulate their own opinion. Life on earth has adapted or evolved to the environment. The earth will never adapt or change due to a single species; the earth is far too powerful. As this paper comes to a close a quote sums up the main idea. Thomas O’Connell once said, â€Å"As the rhetoric of the proponents gives way to real problem or is this phenomena more closely related to political agendas. I’ll wait for the science.†